Welcome To Massey Wines.
Wine for the casual epicurean.
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A wine for all the time by Bevan Ferguson.
Massey Wine is a testament to ensuring good winemaking is about an even better way of life. The finer things are better experienced in combination with one another. Good company, fine wine, good food, great atmosphere all intertwined seamlessly.
You can’t force that. It’s best that you don’t.
It’s what underlines Massey winemaker, Bevan Ferguson’s approach to winemaking. You shouldn’t have to try and like it and clutch helplessly at the words as to why you like it.
Ideally, you just will. What we can assure you is that you’ll just have a good time drinking Massey.
That’s why we say wine for the casual epicurean. The finer things in life can be an all-the-time kind of thing.
Made in the tranquil Adelaide Hills in Balhannah, Massey is a labour of love.
We invite you to enjoy it.